Drug Charges

Drug Charges Brisbane

Any drug charge is a serious criminal offence and you could be facing serious consequences should you be found or plead guilty. There are various penalties which are based on the type of drug and the circumstances surrounding the offence. These punishments can range from a fine to lengthy periods of imprisonment. You will also be facing the prospect of having a criminal conviction recorded against your name for a drug offence. This could mean that you can have issues with your employment, travel or insurance.

If you have been charged with a drug offence in Queensland, it is vital that you seek advice from our criminal lawyers at the earliest possible opportunity. The way in which your matter should be defended will vary depending on type of drug, the quantity of that drug and the type of offence that you have been charged with. The earlier you seek experienced representation will ensure that you receive the best chance of success.

When you contact Hounsell Cunningham, we can provide a full and realistic assessment of your charge and will advise you on what to do next. If you do not have a defence to the charge, our advice will focus on your sentence and will detail steps, courses and rehabilitation that you can undertake to ensure that you receive the best possible outcome. We will help you understand the proceedings and will ensure that you know exactly what is happening and what is required of you at each stage.

Get in touch with Hounsell Cunningham for legal representation and advice for your drug charge and ensure that you have the best possible defence and support. Call now on (07) 3188 5626 or contact us online and we will get back to you.

Drug Charges in Queensland

Most of the offences related to dangerous drugs are found in the Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (Qld). The most common types of charges include trafficking, supplying, producing or possession of dangerous drugs or possessing equipment or utensils to assist in the abovenamed offences.

There are two classes of drugs that are detailed under the Drugs Misuse Regulation, they are referred to as Schedule 1 drugs, which includes amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, MDMA and LSD; and Schedule 2 drugs, which includes cannabis, GHB and MDA.

Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs Charge

If you unlawfully traffick in dangerous drugs you can face up to 25 years imprisonment for trafficking in schedule 1 drugs and up to 20 years for schedule 2 drugs. You don’t have to be dealing large quantities of drug or even making a profit to be charged with drug trafficking; even a single sale, supplying to support your own drug addiction or even providing drugs to your family and friends can amount to a charge of trafficking. The police only need to demonstrate that there is evidence that you are operating a business.

This can be demonstrated a number of ways. Including:

Profit being made
Advertising your business
A customer base
Tick sheets
The usual source of information for the police is a download of a person’s mobile telephone. Each text message will be reviewed by a police officer to determine if a business is being operated.

If you are convicted of a drug trafficking offence, the starting point for any sentencing court will be one of imprisonment. There are however a number of factors that will determine the length of any custodial sentence, these being the type of drug and the quantities being sold. There are also a number of things that you can do to encourage the Court to either not sentence you to a term of actual imprisonment by either suspending the sentence or giving you immediate parole or to reduce any term of imprisonment that you are actually required to serve.

It is absolutely vital that you seek representation from Hounsell Cunningham if you have been charged with a trafficking offence, so that you have the best possible chance of achieving your desired outcome.

Court Hammer

Supplying Dangerous Drugs Charge

The offence of supplying dangerous drugs is taken very seriously by the Courts and can attract a maximum penalty of up to life imprisonment depending on the circumstances of the offence.

The term supplying does not only mean the act of giving, selling or distributing a drug, but can also be captured under offering to do such things or doing anything in preparation for the act of supplying.

Again, it is absolutely imperative that you seek legal advice at the earliest possible opportunity so that we can advise you if the charge against you can be made out and if it can to ensure that you receive the best possible outcome at your trial or sentence. We can help you prepare your defence and will be with you at every step to ensure that you know exactly how to proceed.

Producing Dangerous Drugs Charge

To be charged with an offence of producing a dangerous drug the police will need to show that you have prepared, manufactured, packaged or produced a dangerous drug. They can also prove this charge if you have offered to do any of the above or undertaken any act preparatory to producing a dangerous drug.

This can include things such as:

Splitting drugs into separate clip seal bags;
Growing a cannabis plant; or
Having a methylamphetamine lab set up or previously set up.
This is an offence that is often mischarged by police, so it is vital that you seek expert advice before your matters are finalised by a court.

Other Charges

In addition to these charges there are other possible charges such as:

Unlawful possession of restricted drugs (prescription medication)
Owning property which is obtained from trafficking drugs (most often, the property is cash)
Possessing drug related things or utensils, this includes items such as pipes, grinders or a mobile telephone
Permitting use of a place for an offence related to dangerous drugs
Possession restricted chemicals and drug laboratory equipment
Other drug offences
If you have been charged with any type drug charge, it is important that you have comprehensive legal advice from criminal defence lawyers who have experience in drug charge representation.

Confiscation Proceedings

You should also be aware that being convicted of a serious drug offence can open yourself up to confiscation proceedings. This means that the Government will attempt to seize any property that they believe has been acquired through the profits of any drug offending. This can result in you losing your car, money in bank accounts or even your family home.

Other factors to consider

Your future is in your hands. There are a number of steps that you can take after being charged, that can have significant differences in the penalty that you receive. These include, courses, demonstrated rehabilitation and reference material. We can advise you on what you can do in order to receive the best possible outcome.

Contact Hounsell Cunningham Lawyers Today

Hounsell Cunningham criminal defence lawyers are here to assist you with any drug charge. Contact us now for detailed and dedicated representation. We will work tirelessly on your behalf and are here to provide support and guidance during what is undeniably a difficult and stressful time.

Give yourself expert advice and representation for your drug charge. Call us now on 0419 975 117 for Mitchell or 0406 661 449 for Nathan or contact the office on (07) 3188 5626.